@ -21,360 +21,360 @@ constexpr auto* Text_AddPrefix_Short = "Add"; |
} |
ColorConfig::ColorConfig(QWidget* parent) |
: QWidget(parent) |
, colorDlg(this) |
: QWidget(parent) |
, colorDlg(this) |
{ |
addPrefixContainer = new QWidget(this); |
addPrefixLayout = new QHBoxLayout; |
btnAddPrefix = new QToolButton; |
btnAddPrefix->setText(Text_AddPrefix_Full); |
edAddPrefix = new QLineEdit; |
edAddPrefix->setMaxLength(1); |
edAddPrefix->setAlignment(Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignCenter); |
edAddPrefix->hide(); |
addPrefixLayout->addWidget(edAddPrefix); |
addPrefixLayout->addWidget(btnAddPrefix); |
addPrefixContainer->setLayout(addPrefixLayout); |
connect(btnAddPrefix, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &ColorConfig::addPrefixClicked); |
connect(edAddPrefix, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, &ColorConfig::addPrefixClicked); |
ConfigMgr& conf = ConfigMgr::instance(); |
palette = conf.color(); |
prefixColor = conf.prefixColor(); |
textTypeMap = { |
// Config key, Descriptive text
{ "Action", "Action/role-play message" }, |
{ "CTCP", "CTCP message" }, |
{ "Highlight", "Highlighted message" }, |
{ "Invite", "Invite message" }, |
{ "Join", "Join message" }, |
{ "Kick", "Kick message" }, |
{ "Mode", "Mode message" }, |
{ "Nick", "Nick message" }, |
{ "Normal", "Normal message" }, |
{ "Notice", "Notice message" }, |
{ "OwnText", "Own message" }, |
{ "Part", "Part message" }, |
{ "ProgramInfo", "Program info" }, |
{ "Quit", "Quit message" }, |
{ "ServerInfo", "General server info" }, |
{ "Topic", "Topic message" }, |
{ "Wallops", "Wallops message" }, |
{ "Links", "Links / anchors" } |
}; |
colorTypeMap = { |
{ "TextviewBackground", "Text view background" }, |
{ "InputBackground", "Text input background" }, |
{ "InputForeground", "Text input" }, |
{ "ListboxBackground", "Member list background" }, |
{ "ListboxForeground", "Member list default" } |
}; |
connect(&colorDlg, &QColorDialog::currentColorChanged, |
this, &ColorConfig::colorSelected); |
connect(&colorDlg, &QColorDialog::rejected, [this](){ |
if (colorDlgItem.left(8) == "lbprefix") |
setPrefixColor(colorDlgItem[9], originalColor); |
else |
palette.insert(colorDlgItem, originalColor); |
repaint(); |
}); |
addPrefixContainer = new QWidget(this); |
addPrefixLayout = new QHBoxLayout; |
btnAddPrefix = new QToolButton; |
btnAddPrefix->setText(Text_AddPrefix_Full); |
edAddPrefix = new QLineEdit; |
edAddPrefix->setMaxLength(1); |
edAddPrefix->setAlignment(Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignCenter); |
edAddPrefix->hide(); |
addPrefixLayout->addWidget(edAddPrefix); |
addPrefixLayout->addWidget(btnAddPrefix); |
addPrefixContainer->setLayout(addPrefixLayout); |
connect(btnAddPrefix, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &ColorConfig::addPrefixClicked); |
connect(edAddPrefix, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, &ColorConfig::addPrefixClicked); |
ConfigMgr& conf = ConfigMgr::instance(); |
palette = conf.color(); |
prefixColor = conf.prefixColor(); |
textTypeMap = { |
// Config key, Descriptive text
{ "Action", "Action/role-play message" }, |
{ "CTCP", "CTCP message" }, |
{ "Highlight", "Highlighted message" }, |
{ "Invite", "Invite message" }, |
{ "Join", "Join message" }, |
{ "Kick", "Kick message" }, |
{ "Mode", "Mode message" }, |
{ "Nick", "Nick message" }, |
{ "Normal", "Normal message" }, |
{ "Notice", "Notice message" }, |
{ "OwnText", "Own message" }, |
{ "Part", "Part message" }, |
{ "ProgramInfo", "Program info" }, |
{ "Quit", "Quit message" }, |
{ "ServerInfo", "General server info" }, |
{ "Topic", "Topic message" }, |
{ "Wallops", "Wallops message" }, |
{ "Links", "Links / anchors" } |
}; |
colorTypeMap = { |
{ "TextviewBackground", "Text view background" }, |
{ "InputBackground", "Text input background" }, |
{ "InputForeground", "Text input" }, |
{ "ListboxBackground", "Member list background" }, |
{ "ListboxForeground", "Member list default" } |
}; |
connect(&colorDlg, &QColorDialog::currentColorChanged, |
this, &ColorConfig::colorSelected); |
connect(&colorDlg, &QColorDialog::rejected, [this](){ |
if (colorDlgItem.left(8) == "lbprefix") |
setPrefixColor(colorDlgItem[9], originalColor); |
else |
palette.insert(colorDlgItem, originalColor); |
repaint(); |
}); |
} |
void ColorConfig::save() |
{ |
ConfigMgr& conf = ConfigMgr::instance(); |
conf.setColorPalette(palette); |
conf.setPrefixColorPalette(prefixColor); |
m_isChanged = false; |
ConfigMgr& conf = ConfigMgr::instance(); |
conf.setColorPalette(palette); |
conf.setPrefixColorPalette(prefixColor); |
m_isChanged = false; |
} |
bool ColorConfig::isChanged() const |
{ |
return m_isChanged; |
return m_isChanged; |
} |
void ColorConfig::reset() |
{ |
ConfigMgr& conf = ConfigMgr::instance(); |
palette = conf.color(); |
prefixColor = conf.prefixColor(); |
m_isChanged = false; |
repaint(); |
ConfigMgr& conf = ConfigMgr::instance(); |
palette = conf.color(); |
prefixColor = conf.prefixColor(); |
m_isChanged = false; |
repaint(); |
} |
void ColorConfig::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) |
{ |
QPainter paint(this); |
int w = width(); |
int h = height(); |
QPainter paint(this); |
int w = width(); |
int h = height(); |
QColor frame(palette.value("TextviewBackground")); |
frame.setRed(frame.red() ^ 255); |
frame.setGreen(frame.green() ^ 255); |
frame.setBlue(frame.blue() ^ 255); |
QColor frame(palette.value("TextviewBackground")); |
frame.setRed(frame.red() ^ 255); |
frame.setGreen(frame.green() ^ 255); |
frame.setBlue(frame.blue() ^ 255); |
paint.fillRect(0, 0, w, h, frame); |
w -= 2; |
h -= 2; |
paint.fillRect(0, 0, w, h, frame); |
w -= 2; |
h -= 2; |
const int listboxW = 150; |
const int inputH = 24; |
const int listboxW = 150; |
const int inputH = 24; |
/* Text-view background */ |
textViewBB = { 1, 1, w - listboxW, h - inputH }; |
paint.fillRect(textViewBB, QColor(palette.value("TextviewBackground"))); |
/* Text-view background */ |
textViewBB = { 1, 1, w - listboxW, h - inputH }; |
paint.fillRect(textViewBB, QColor(palette.value("TextviewBackground"))); |
/* Member list background */ |
listboxBB = { w - listboxW + 2, 1, listboxW - 1, h - inputH }; |
paint.fillRect(listboxBB, QColor(palette.value("ListboxBackground"))); // Listbox
/* Member list background */ |
listboxBB = { w - listboxW + 2, 1, listboxW - 1, h - inputH }; |
paint.fillRect(listboxBB, QColor(palette.value("ListboxBackground"))); // Listbox
/* Input background */ |
inputBB = { 1, h - inputH + 2, w, inputH - 1 }; |
paint.fillRect(inputBB, QColor(palette.value("InputBackground"))); // Input
/* Input background */ |
inputBB = { 1, h - inputH + 2, w, inputH - 1 }; |
paint.fillRect(inputBB, QColor(palette.value("InputBackground"))); // Input
ConfigMgr& conf = ConfigMgr::instance(); |
QFont font(conf.common("Font")); |
paint.setFont(font); |
ConfigMgr& conf = ConfigMgr::instance(); |
QFont font(conf.common("Font")); |
paint.setFont(font); |
createMessageBoxTexts(paint); |
createMemberListTexts(paint, listboxW); |
createInputBoxTexts(paint, inputH); |
createMessageBoxTexts(paint); |
createMemberListTexts(paint, listboxW); |
createInputBoxTexts(paint, inputH); |
} |
void ColorConfig::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* evt) |
{ |
const int X = evt->x(); |
const int Y = evt->y(); |
/* Check click for text item types */ |
{ |
QHashIterator<QString,QRect> it(textTypeBB); |
while (it.hasNext()) { |
it.next(); |
const QString& key = it.key(); |
const QRect& val = it.value(); |
if (val.contains(X, Y)) { |
chooseColorFor(key); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
/* Check click for listbox items */ |
{ |
QHashIterator<QString,QRect> it(listboxItemBB); |
while (it.hasNext()) { |
it.next(); |
const QString& key = it.key(); |
const QRect& val = it.value(); |
if (val.contains(X, Y)) { |
chooseColorFor(key); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
/* Check click for delete listbox item */ |
{ |
QHashIterator<QChar,QRect> it(prefixDeleteBB); |
while (it.hasNext()) { |
it.next(); |
const QChar& key = it.key(); |
const QRect& val = it.value(); |
if (val.contains(X, Y)) { |
askDeletePrefix(key); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
if (inputTextBB.contains(X, Y)) |
chooseColorFor("InputForeground"); |
else if (textViewBB.contains(X, Y)) |
chooseColorFor("TextviewBackground"); |
else if (listboxBB.contains(X, Y)) |
chooseColorFor("ListboxBackground"); |
else if (inputBB.contains(X, Y)) |
chooseColorFor("InputBackground"); |
const int X = evt->x(); |
const int Y = evt->y(); |
/* Check click for text item types */ |
{ |
QHashIterator<QString,QRect> it(textTypeBB); |
while (it.hasNext()) { |
it.next(); |
const QString& key = it.key(); |
const QRect& val = it.value(); |
if (val.contains(X, Y)) { |
chooseColorFor(key); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
/* Check click for listbox items */ |
{ |
QHashIterator<QString,QRect> it(listboxItemBB); |
while (it.hasNext()) { |
it.next(); |
const QString& key = it.key(); |
const QRect& val = it.value(); |
if (val.contains(X, Y)) { |
chooseColorFor(key); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
/* Check click for delete listbox item */ |
{ |
QHashIterator<QChar,QRect> it(prefixDeleteBB); |
while (it.hasNext()) { |
it.next(); |
const QChar& key = it.key(); |
const QRect& val = it.value(); |
if (val.contains(X, Y)) { |
askDeletePrefix(key); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
if (inputTextBB.contains(X, Y)) |
chooseColorFor("InputForeground"); |
else if (textViewBB.contains(X, Y)) |
chooseColorFor("TextviewBackground"); |
else if (listboxBB.contains(X, Y)) |
chooseColorFor("ListboxBackground"); |
else if (inputBB.contains(X, Y)) |
chooseColorFor("InputBackground"); |
} |
void ColorConfig::createMessageBoxTexts(QPainter& paint) |
{ |
const int itemIncr = 19; |
int itemTop = itemIncr; |
QPen originalPen = paint.pen(); |
QFontMetrics fm(paint.fontMetrics()); |
const int itemIncr = 19; |
int itemTop = itemIncr; |
QPen originalPen = paint.pen(); |
QFontMetrics fm(paint.fontMetrics()); |
textTypeBB.clear(); |
QHashIterator<QString,QString> it(textTypeMap); |
QStringList sorted; |
textTypeBB.clear(); |
QHashIterator<QString,QString> it(textTypeMap); |
QStringList sorted; |
while (it.hasNext()) |
sorted << it.next().key(); |
while (it.hasNext()) |
sorted << it.next().key(); |
std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), |
[this](const QString& left, const QString& right) { |
QString leftText = descriptiveColorText(left); |
QString rightText = descriptiveColorText(right); |
return leftText < rightText; |
}); |
std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), |
[this](const QString& left, const QString& right) { |
QString leftText = descriptiveColorText(left); |
QString rightText = descriptiveColorText(right); |
return leftText < rightText; |
}); |
for (const QString& key : sorted) { |
const QString val = descriptiveColorText(key); |
for (const QString& key : sorted) { |
const QString val = descriptiveColorText(key); |
paint.setPen(QColor(palette.value(key))); |
paint.drawText(4, itemTop, val); |
paint.setPen(QColor(palette.value(key))); |
paint.drawText(4, itemTop, val); |
QRect itemRect(4, itemTop - fm.ascent(), fm.width(val), fm.height()); |
textTypeBB.insert(key, itemRect); |
QRect itemRect(4, itemTop - fm.ascent(), fm.width(val), fm.height()); |
textTypeBB.insert(key, itemRect); |
itemTop += itemIncr; |
} |
itemTop += itemIncr; |
} |
paint.setPen(originalPen); |
paint.setPen(originalPen); |
} |
void ColorConfig::createMemberListTexts(QPainter& paint, int listboxW) |
{ |
const int x = width() - listboxW + 4; |
const int itemIncr = 20; |
int itemTop = itemIncr; |
QPen originalPen = paint.pen(); |
QFontMetrics fm(paint.fontMetrics()); |
listboxItemBB.clear(); |
prefixDeleteBB.clear(); |
paint.setPen(QColor(palette.value("ListboxForeground"))); |
paint.drawText(x, itemTop, "Default text"); |
listboxItemBB.insert("ListboxForeground", QRect(x, itemTop - fm.ascent(), fm.width("Default text"), fm.height())); |
itemTop += itemIncr; |
constexpr auto* DeleteLabel = "[X]"; |
for (const auto& item : prefixColor) { |
QString itemText = QStringLiteral("%1member").arg(item.first); |
int itemTextWidth = fm.width(itemText); |
paint.setPen(item.second); |
paint.drawText(x, itemTop, itemText); |
paint.drawText(x + itemTextWidth + 10, itemTop, DeleteLabel); |
listboxItemBB.insert(QStringLiteral("lbprefix %1").arg(item.first), QRect(x, itemTop - fm.ascent(), itemTextWidth, fm.height())); |
prefixDeleteBB.insert(item.first, QRect(x + itemTextWidth + 10, itemTop - fm.ascent(), fm.width(DeleteLabel), fm.height())); |
itemTop += itemIncr; |
} |
paint.setPen(originalPen); |
addPrefixContainer->move(x, itemTop); |
const int x = width() - listboxW + 4; |
const int itemIncr = 20; |
int itemTop = itemIncr; |
QPen originalPen = paint.pen(); |
QFontMetrics fm(paint.fontMetrics()); |
listboxItemBB.clear(); |
prefixDeleteBB.clear(); |
paint.setPen(QColor(palette.value("ListboxForeground"))); |
paint.drawText(x, itemTop, "Default text"); |
listboxItemBB.insert("ListboxForeground", QRect(x, itemTop - fm.ascent(), fm.width("Default text"), fm.height())); |
itemTop += itemIncr; |
constexpr auto* DeleteLabel = "[X]"; |
for (const auto& item : prefixColor) { |
QString itemText = QStringLiteral("%1member").arg(item.first); |
int itemTextWidth = fm.width(itemText); |
paint.setPen(item.second); |
paint.drawText(x, itemTop, itemText); |
paint.drawText(x + itemTextWidth + 10, itemTop, DeleteLabel); |
listboxItemBB.insert(QStringLiteral("lbprefix %1").arg(item.first), QRect(x, itemTop - fm.ascent(), itemTextWidth, fm.height())); |
prefixDeleteBB.insert(item.first, QRect(x + itemTextWidth + 10, itemTop - fm.ascent(), fm.width(DeleteLabel), fm.height())); |
itemTop += itemIncr; |
} |
paint.setPen(originalPen); |
addPrefixContainer->move(x, itemTop); |
} |
void ColorConfig::createInputBoxTexts(QPainter& paint, int inputH) |
{ |
QFontMetrics fm(paint.fontMetrics()); |
const int fh = fm.height(); |
const int y = height() - inputH + fh; |
QPen originalPen = paint.pen(); |
QFontMetrics fm(paint.fontMetrics()); |
const int fh = fm.height(); |
const int y = height() - inputH + fh; |
QPen originalPen = paint.pen(); |
paint.setPen(QColor(palette.value("InputForeground"))); |
paint.drawText(4, y, "Input box text"); |
inputTextBB = {4, y - fm.ascent(), fm.width("Input box text"), fm.height()}; |
paint.setPen(QColor(palette.value("InputForeground"))); |
paint.drawText(4, y, "Input box text"); |
inputTextBB = {4, y - fm.ascent(), fm.width("Input box text"), fm.height()}; |
paint.setPen(originalPen); |
paint.setPen(originalPen); |
} |
QString ColorConfig::descriptiveColorText(const QString& key) const |
{ |
if (key.left(8) == "lbprefix") |
return QStringLiteral("Prefix '%1'").arg(key[9]); |
if (key.left(8) == "lbprefix") |
return QStringLiteral("Prefix '%1'").arg(key[9]); |
QString text = textTypeMap.value(key); |
if (text.isEmpty()) |
text = colorTypeMap.value(key); |
return text; |
QString text = textTypeMap.value(key); |
if (text.isEmpty()) |
text = colorTypeMap.value(key); |
return text; |
} |
void ColorConfig::chooseColorFor(const QString& item) |
{ |
colorDlgItem = item; |
if (colorDlgItem.left(8) == "lbprefix") |
colorDlg.setCurrentColor(*getPrefixColor(colorDlgItem[9])); |
else |
colorDlg.setCurrentColor(QColor(palette.value(item))); |
originalColor = colorDlg.currentColor().name(); |
colorDlg.setWindowTitle(QStringLiteral("Choose color for: %1").arg(descriptiveColorText(item))); |
if (!colorDlg.isVisible()) |
colorDlg.show(); |
colorDlgItem = item; |
if (colorDlgItem.left(8) == "lbprefix") |
colorDlg.setCurrentColor(*getPrefixColor(colorDlgItem[9])); |
else |
colorDlg.setCurrentColor(QColor(palette.value(item))); |
originalColor = colorDlg.currentColor().name(); |
colorDlg.setWindowTitle(QStringLiteral("Choose color for: %1").arg(descriptiveColorText(item))); |
if (!colorDlg.isVisible()) |
colorDlg.show(); |
} |
void ColorConfig::colorSelected(const QColor& color) |
{ |
if (colorDlgItem.left(8) == "lbprefix") |
setPrefixColor(colorDlgItem[9], color); |
else |
palette.insert(colorDlgItem, color.name()); |
m_isChanged = true; |
repaint(); |
if (colorDlgItem.left(8) == "lbprefix") |
setPrefixColor(colorDlgItem[9], color); |
else |
palette.insert(colorDlgItem, color.name()); |
m_isChanged = true; |
repaint(); |
} |
std::optional<QColor> ColorConfig::getPrefixColor(QChar prefix) |
{ |
for (const auto& item : prefixColor) |
if (item.first == prefix) |
return item.second; |
return std::nullopt; |
for (const auto& item : prefixColor) |
if (item.first == prefix) |
return item.second; |
return std::nullopt; |
} |
void ColorConfig::setPrefixColor(QChar prefix, const QColor& color) |
{ |
for (auto& item : prefixColor) |
if (item.first == prefix) |
item.second = color; |
for (auto& item : prefixColor) |
if (item.first == prefix) |
item.second = color; |
} |
void ColorConfig::addPrefixClicked() |
{ |
if (edAddPrefix->isVisible()) { |
if (!edAddPrefix->text().isEmpty()) { |
const QChar prefix = edAddPrefix->text()[0]; |
if (getPrefixColor(prefix)) { |
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Prefix exists"), tr("The given prefix '%1' is already defined.").arg(prefix)); |
return; |
} |
if (!prefix.isSpace() && !prefix.isLetter() && !prefix.isNumber()) { |
prefixColor.push_back(std::make_pair(prefix, palette.value("ListboxForeground"))); |
m_isChanged = true; |
repaint(); |
} |
} |
edAddPrefix->clear(); |
edAddPrefix->hide(); |
btnAddPrefix->setText(Text_AddPrefix_Full); |
} |
else { |
edAddPrefix->show(); |
btnAddPrefix->setText(Text_AddPrefix_Short); |
} |
if (edAddPrefix->isVisible()) { |
if (!edAddPrefix->text().isEmpty()) { |
const QChar prefix = edAddPrefix->text()[0]; |
if (getPrefixColor(prefix)) { |
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Prefix exists"), tr("The given prefix '%1' is already defined.").arg(prefix)); |
return; |
} |
if (!prefix.isSpace() && !prefix.isLetter() && !prefix.isNumber()) { |
prefixColor.push_back(std::make_pair(prefix, palette.value("ListboxForeground"))); |
m_isChanged = true; |
repaint(); |
} |
} |
edAddPrefix->clear(); |
edAddPrefix->hide(); |
btnAddPrefix->setText(Text_AddPrefix_Full); |
} |
else { |
edAddPrefix->show(); |
btnAddPrefix->setText(Text_AddPrefix_Short); |
} |
} |
void ColorConfig::askDeletePrefix(QChar prefix) |
{ |
const QString title = tr("Delete prefix"); |
const QString question = tr("Are you sure you want to delete the prefix '%1'?").arg(prefix); |
if (QMessageBox::question(this, title, question) == QMessageBox::No) |
return; |
for (int i = 0; i < prefixColor.count(); ++i) { |
QChar p = prefixColor[i].first; |
if (p == prefix) { |
prefixColor.removeAt(i); |
break; |
} |
} |
repaint(); |
const QString title = tr("Delete prefix"); |
const QString question = tr("Are you sure you want to delete the prefix '%1'?").arg(prefix); |
if (QMessageBox::question(this, title, question) == QMessageBox::No) |
return; |
for (int i = 0; i < prefixColor.count(); ++i) { |
QChar p = prefixColor[i].first; |
if (p == prefix) { |
prefixColor.removeAt(i); |
break; |
} |
} |
repaint(); |
} |