# IdealIRC Essentials script v1.0
# (Map) Used if we try to ban someone but we haven't registered their hostname yet.
global banqueue, kickqueue;
command j(channel, key)
if (channel == void) {
/echo Usage: /j channel
if (channel[0] != "#")
channel = "#" + channel;
if (key == void)
/join %channel
/join %channel %key
command p(channel, message)
if (channel == void) {
if (subwintype() == "Channel") {
channel = subwinname();
else {
/echo -G /p: Not in a channel. Try /p channel
if (channel[0] != "#")
channel = "#" + channel;
if (message == void)
/part %channel
/part %channel %message
command w(nickname) /whois %nickname
hook ctcprequest(sender, target, command, message)
# For simplicity, set following to "false" if this is undesirable:
response_CTCP_TIME = true;
/echo ctcp: %sender %target %command %message
if (command == "TIME" && response_CTCP_TIME) {
t = now("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss t");
/ctcpreply %sender TIME %t
hook start()
# Queue for host lookup if a ban is issued, but hostname is unknown.
# Key: nickname, Value: channel to issue ban.
banqueue = map();
# Same as above, but value is the kick reason.
kickqueue = map();
menu status {
"Server stats" => /lusers
"Join channel" => {
channel = input("Join channel", "Enter a channel name:");
if (channel == void || channel == "") return;
# Todo: Implement new function "ischannelprefix" or something.
if (channel[0] != "#")
channel = "#" + channel;
/join %channel
"Change nickname" => {
nickname = input("Set nickname", "Enter nickname:");
if (nickname == void || nickname == "") return;
/nick %nickname
menu private {
"Whois" => /whois %nickname
"CTCP" {
"Ping" => /ctcp %nickname PING
"Version" => /ctcp %nickname VERSION
"Time" => /ctcp %nickname TIME
"Custom..." => {
msg = input("Custom CTCP message", "Message:");
if (msg == void) return;
if (msg == "") return;
/ctcp %nickname %msg
menu memberlist {
"Whois" => {
if (maplen(selected) > 1) {
button = showmessage("Multiple members selected",
"You have selected " + maplen(selected)
+ " members to show /whois for. Continue?",
"question", "yn");
if (button == "n") return;
i = 0;
while (selected[i] != void) {
nick = selected[i];
/whois %nick
i = i + 1;
"Query" => {
if (maplen(selected) > 1) {
button = showmessage("Multiple members selected",
"You have selected " + maplen(selected)
+ " members to open a query dialog for. Continue?",
"question", "yn");
if (button == "n") return;
i = 0;
while (selected[i] != void) {
nick = selected[i];
/query %nick
i = i + 1;
"Privileges" {
"Give op" => privilege(channel, "+", "o", selected);
"Take op" => privilege(channel, "-", "o", selected);
"Give half-op" => privilege(channel, "+", "h", selected);
"Take half-op" => privilege(channel, "-", "h", selected);
"Give voice" => privilege(channel, "+", "v", selected);
"Take voice" => privilege(channel, "-", "v", selected);
"Kick..." => {
if (maplen(selected) > 1) {
button = showmessage("Multiple members selected",
"You have selected " + maplen(selected)
+ " members for kicking. Continue?",
"question", "yn");
if (button == "n") return;
i = 0;
while (selected[i] != void) {
nick = selected[i];
reason = input("Kick " + nick + " from " + channel,
"Enter a reason for " + nick + ":");
if (reason != void)
/kick %channel %nick %reason
i = i + 1;
"Ban" => {
if (maplen(selected) > 1) {
button = showmessage("Multiple members selected",
"You have selected " + maplen(selected)
+ " members for ban. Continue?",
"question", "yn");
if (button == "n") return;
i = 0;
while (selected[i] != void) {
nick = selected[i];
host = userhost(nick);
if (host == void) {
banqueue[nick] = channel;
/userhost %nick
else {
/mode %channel +b %host
i = i + 1;
"Ban + kick..." => {
if (maplen(selected) > 1) {
button = showmessage("Multiple members selected",
"You have selected " + maplen(selected)
+ " members for ban + kick. Continue?",
"question", "yn");
if (button == "n") return;
i = 0;
while (selected[i] != void) {
nick = selected[i];
reason = input("Ban + kick " + nick + " from " + channel,
"Enter a reason for " + nick + ":");
if (reason != void) {
host = userhost(nick);
if (host == void) {
banqueue[nick] = channel;
kickqueue[nick] = reason;
/userhost %nick
else {
/mode %channel +b %host
/kick %channel %nick %reason
i = i + 1;
"CTCP" {
"Ping" => {
if (maplen(selected) > 1) {
button = showmessage("Multiple members selected",
"You have selected " + maplen(selected)
+ " members for CTCP PING. Continue?",
"question", "yn");
if (button == "n") return;
i = 0;
while (selected[i] != void) {
nick = selected[i];
/ctcp %nick PING
i = i + 1;
"Version" => {
if (maplen(selected) > 1) {
button = showmessage("Multiple members selected",
"You have selected " + maplen(selected)
+ " members for CTCP VERSION. Continue?",
"question", "yn");
if (button == "n") return;
i = 0;
while (selected[i] != void) {
nick = selected[i];
/ctcp %nick VERSION
i = i + 1;
"Time" => {
if (maplen(selected) > 1) {
button = showmessage("Multiple members selected",
"You have selected " + maplen(selected)
+ " members for CTCP TIME. Continue?",
"question", "yn");
if (button == "n") return;
i = 0;
while (selected[i] != void) {
nick = selected[i];
/ctcp %nick TIME
i = i + 1;
"Custom..." => {
if (maplen(selected) > 1) {
button = showmessage("Multiple members selected",
"You have selected " + maplen(selected)
+ " members for custom CTCP. Continue?",
"question", "yn");
if (button == "n") return;
msg = input("Custom CTCP message", "Message:");
if (msg == void || msg == "") return;
i = 0;
while (selected[i] != void) {
nick = selected[i];
/ctcp %nick %msg
i = i + 1;
# Used as a callback when trying to ban someone we don't know the hostname of,
# and this numeric responds with a hostname to ban.
hook numeric(code, args, msg)
if (code == "302") {
# <reply> ::= <nick>['*'] '=' <'+'|'-'><hostname>
# The '*' indicates whether the client has registered
# as an Operator. The '-' or '+' characters represent
# whether the client has set an AWAY message or not
# respectively.
nickend = strfind(msg, "=");
if (msg[nickend - 1] == "*") nickend = nickend - 1;
nickname = strmid(msg, 0, nickend);
if (banqueue[nickname] != void) {
channel = banqueue[nickname];
mapremove(&banqueue, nickname);
host = userhost(nickname);
/mode %channel +b %host
if (kickqueue[nickname] != void) {
reason = kickqueue[nickname];
mapremove(&kickqueue, nickname);
/kick %channel %nickname %reason
# Generate a /MODE message that can handle all selected nicknames in
# a nickname list, based on the amount of concurrent modes the server supports.
function privilege(channel, action, mode, members)
maxmodes = toint(isupport("MODES"));
totalmodes = maplen(&members);
i = 0;
while (i < totalmodes) {
modelen = maxmodes;
if ((totalmodes - i) < maxmodes)
modelen = totalmodes - i;
j = i;
nicks = "";
while (j < (i + modelen)) {
nicks = nicks + members[j] + " ";
j = j + 1;
modestr = action + strrep(mode, modelen);
/mode %channel %modestr %nicks
i = i + modelen;